Two friends fall under the spell of a New York beauty – with an unexpected outcome...
A casual remark is taken seriously by a Chinese sculptor, and the British Ambassador becomes the owner of a priceless
work of art...
An insurance claims adviser has a most surprising encounter on the train home to Sevenoaks...
The openings to three stories form this marvellous collection, which ends with a hauntingly written, atmospheric account of two undergraduates at Oxford in the 1930s, a tale of bitter rivalry that turns into a memorable love story.
The expected never happens...
A lover calls unexpectedly on his mistress and watches another man leave her flat. He accuses her of being unfaithful, quarrels with her, strikes her. She dies.
Leaving unnoticed, he tips off the police to ensure the other man is arrested and charged...Has he achieved the perfect murder? Consider also: a wine-tasting with a bizarre difference, a game of sex with a beautiful stranger, a violent row in a golf clubhouse bar, a rivalry founded on eating cornflakes... just some of the openings in this cunningly constructed, fast-moving, entertaining set of stories from the bestselling author of our time.