This collection of 365 affirmations is filled with daily gifts to you from author Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse. It is a tribute to woman- kind worldwide-a testimony to the female affinity for discerning and honoring the sacred in everyday events. Wegscheider-Cruse invites you to celebrate the many blessings of being a woman, including: support, understanding, compassion, power and spirituality. Girl Talk will help you accept and embrace these gifts through intimate daily affirmation. The reflections included here focus on twelve separate topics, interspersed to enable you to follow them sequentially or pick a topic according to your feelings on a particular day. The topics range life's gamut: relationships; qualities; spirituality; rituals and traditions; humor and laughter; making the most of your time; body image and health; managing money; choices; stages and passages; sacred places; and role models.
Each entry in this thoughtful collection is inspiring and entertaining, honoring women's innate ability to synthesize and live harmoniously. These are insights and inspirations you may choose to keep private, or share with your mother, sister, daughter or dear friend. Wherever and whoever you are as a woman, this loving testament to the gracious beauty of womanhood is a gift you will treasure every day.