Everything about what we buy and why is set to change.
Although we all want to help the environment, our knowledge of what are 'green' choices is often so limited that we can do more harm than good. But now a new phenomenon, 'radical transparency' - the availability of complete information about all aspects of a product's history - is about to transform the power of consumers and the fate of business.
Ecological Intelligence shows you:
• Why a t-shirt that claims it is '100% organic cotton'
may in fact be no such thing
• Why it's good to buy tulips from Kenya and wine from France
• How Coca-Cola in India were brought to account by radical transparency - and how they've improved their green record since
• That even the type of shampoo you use could affect
the future of the planet
Knowledge is power. By discovering how to tune your eco intelligence, Daniel Goleman shows, you can make better decisions, and a better world.